Saturday, June 22, 2019

on Brilliance

on African Brilliance.

In this said entry that is, and on what is in all said as of Brilliance in itself too that is, now is to and in all even, say it all and as basically perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of a Citation in itself too that is, and if not and as in all said as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of a Concept in itself too that is. That in all and again that is, of what is in all said as of Brilliance in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Kiswahili in itself too that is, and in the said Context in itself too that is, and if not in said Formation too that is, or in said organization in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Generical in itself too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Kiswahili term too that is, and of said Sanifu too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Contention in itself too that is, and if not of the said even now Continuous in itself too that is.

of the said Generical:

That in the now equating talk and of, and of what is in all said as of Brilliance in itself too that is, and to what is in all said as of Political Deliberation in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and at what is in all now, or can and in all now, be as said as of the Four Africa's too that is, their too been said and as of the said West Indies too that is, of said Africa too that is, of the said Middle East too that is, and if not of said India too that is, and which are in all too believed as said that is, and as to and in all even have to them, said Political Deliberations too that is, and that would and in all even now be as said as of the Akin in itself too that is. That in all and again too that is, talk too now and of, and of a said Italy too that is, [Link], and of the said even now 4 Africa's too that is, and as in all said as mentioned above too that is, and which do and in all even have to them, said Political Deliberations too that is, and that would and in all even be as said as of, and as of a said Similitude too that is: [Link].

That in the now saying that, such said Political Deliberations that is, could and in all, be as said as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of said Egyptian History too that is, and as in all said as of the Egyptoid too that is, [Link], and if not of said Greek History too that is, and of the said Grecian too that is, now is to and in all even refer and to, and to a said World today too that is, and if not of a said Africa today too that is, and in said Political Deliberations too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all, or can and in all, be as said as of the British World too that is, and with it all as said as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Roman History too that is, [Link], and if not in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the European that is, Arab, or Indian too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Modern World in itself too that is, and if not of said Modern Civilization in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and in the said even now Key-Reference too that is, and to what is in all said as of a Modern France in itself too that is, [Link], and if not in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of French History in itself too that is.

of said Modernity:

That in the now referring and to, and to what is in all said as of Brilliance in itself too that is, and to what is in all said as of the African Sense in itself too that is, Political, now is to and in all even say it all, and as in all said as of the Adverse in itself too that is, [Link], and if not in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Political Context in itself too that is, and if not in said Admeasure in itself too that is, and of the said even now Political Deliberation in itself too that is, and in said Admonition in itself too that is, and with it all now and as said as perceived and as such too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Modernistic in itself too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of said Modern Political Leadership in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the African, Kenyan, and East African too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Kiswahili term too that is, and of said Zanj too that is, [Link], and if not in talk too now and of, and of a said even now Middle East too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of the said even now Arabian Peninsula too that is, of the said Persian Gulf too that is, and if not of the said even now Sultanate of Oman too that is.

Scorpion. Arabian Peninsula.

In the said now closing up and on all this said that is, and on what is in all said as of Brilliance in itself too that is, and if not of the said even now Political Deliberation in itself too that is, now is to and in all even refer and to, and to what are in all said as of the "Politics of the Day" too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of a said even now Nigeria today too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of the said even now African Diaspora in itself too that is, and if not of the said even now Diasporic too that is, African, and in the said even now referencing and of, and of what is in all said as of Nigerian Art in itself too that is, and in the said even now Detailing too that is, [Link], and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Kenya in itself too that is, and if not of said East Africa in itself too that is, and in the said even now referring and to, and to a said even now Africa in itself too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of a said Nigeria in itself too that is, of said Central Africa in itself too that is, of said East Africa in itself too that is, and if not of said Kenya too that is, of the said Horn of Africa too that is, and if not of said South Sudan too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of a said even now Southern Africa in itself too that is, and if not of a said South Africa too that is, and as in all said now and as perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Modern Brazil in itself too that is: [Link].