Friday, April 23, 2021

the African Drum

of African Drums.

In the said too that is, perceiving of, referencing, talk too of, and of the said World today, of Africa today, of Kenya, East Africa, Nigeria, and if not in talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said Complicated too that is, the Problematic, of Impediments, or if not in talk too and of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Technical Precision too that is, the Linear, of said Technical Specification(s) too that is, the Laser, or if not of said Technical Proficiency too that is, the Lens, now is to and in all, even, ponder, talk too of, and of what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said too that is, Importance, Consequence, or Significance too that is, and of the said African Drum too that is.

In all and again that is, talk too of, in ponderance, and at the said attempt too that is, and to and in all, even, arrive at, the Arrival, and to what can and in all, be as said of, and of the said African Drum too that is, the self, Me, Myself & I, [Link], or if not in talk too of, and what can and in all, be as said of, and of said Intuition too that is, -->, of Higher Intelligence, of Chaos & Order, the Chaotic, of Olorun, [Link].

In all and again that is, it can be as said that, that such a said Arrival too that is, the Arrival, can and in all, be as said too that is, perceived, referenced, and if not in talk too of, and of the said following too that is:

of Sweat, --->, of Discipline, (Work), Effort, Attainment, Achievement etc.
of Drums, --->, of Impact, (Sense), Effect, Result, Outcome, Response etc.
of Comprehension.
of Arousal, --->, of Psychology, of Conscience, --->, of Arousings.
of Faces, of Attitudes.
of In-Lightenment.

Sound(s) of the Drum, African;

of Accompaniment.
of Verberations.
of Existence, life, Reality.
of Accountability.
of Reciprocity.

"A of A"

the Accountable.