Saturday, January 12, 2019

the Kenya Internet Project

the East Africa Internet Project.

In the said even now, equating, talk. and of said Supra 'Nairo' that is, and to talk and of the said Internet in itself that is, and as said as Kenyan, or East African too, and if not in talk and of said Reality in itself too that is, now is to and in all even speak or talk and of, and of what is in all here, said as of the Kenyan Internet Project that is, and in its said too attempt that is, and to and in all even define, said concise too, Realities that is, and that do and in all even refer and to, and to talk and of said Kenya in itself that is, and if not of said East Africa in itself too that is.

Of ISP Models: Of Networking Models, of Modellings, of Networking.
Of Polls: Of Internet Polls, the Idea of the User, Internet.
Of Connectivity: Defining of the User, Internet, ->, Existent, Actual, Present.
                       Bridging the Gap, of Communications, Media, or Protocols, Computer, and between, talk too of, and of the said Net, and of the said Internet too.

The Internet.
Of Routers, of Search Engines, of Optimization, of Networks, the World Wide Web.

The Net.
Of Levels: Of Networks, of Client-Server Models.
Of Consoles: Of Personal Computers, of Computer Terminals.
Of Scripts: Of Databases, of Web Serves.
Of Codes: Of Content, of Websites, Internet.
Of Accounts, Passwords: Of Users, of Interactivity.

Of such said Conciseness that is, and that would and in all even be as said as perceived, and in talk and of the said even now following, Axiomatic, or as in all said as granted too that is, laws that is:

1. feedback; response, call, signal - <wave>, current.

2. display;  interfaces.

Of such said Conciseness that is, and if not as said as perceived, and in talk now and of, and of what is in all said as of a Kenyan, and if not of a said, East African too, Reality in itself that is, and as in all said now and as to in all even, lie in between that is, talk, and of the above said proposed that is, or given too, axiomatic laws that is, and as in all said as granted too that is, and as in all too said now as asking and of one that is, and of what is in all said as of a Preference in itself that is.

Of such said Preference in itself that is, and in talk now and of, and of said Reality in itself that is, and as in all said now as perceived, and in talk and of the said even now Naming in itself that is, and of the said Terming in itself too that is, and as in all said now and again as perceived, and in the said even now reference and to that is, and to talk too and of, and of said Data Mining too for instance.