Tuesday, January 15, 2019

the Kenyan Reprint

the East African Reprint.

In this said entry that is, and on what is in all said as of the Reprint that is, African, we shall and in all even now, refer and to, and to the said even now, best of said manners or ways that is, and of Marking, Scoring, and if not in the said Tracking too, and of said Development, and in said Kenya, East Africa, and if not in said Africa too that is.

That in all again, the said even now, difficulty, or as in all said as a complication too, and of tracking that is, Development, and in said Africa today too that is, does and in all even refer and to, and to what is in all said as of an Original that is, and in the said even now print too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of the Master that is, and in the said print too that is. That in all again, in the now saying that, what is in all said as of the Original that is, does and in all even refer and to, and to talk and of a said Africa in itself that is, and that in all again, it is what that is in all said as of the Master that is, and that is in all said now, as best said as perceived that is, and in talk and of a said even now India in itself too that is.

Of the said Original that is, and in the said print too, and in talk now and of, complicatedly enough too that is, and of what is in all said as of a Stamp in itself that is, [Link], and that in all again, what is in all said as of the Master that is, does and in all even refer and to, and to what is in all said as of the Correct in itself, and if not of the said Incorrect in itself too that is.

That in all again, and in talk now and of, and of what is in all said as of Development in itself that is, now is to and in all even say that, what is in all said as of the Reprint in itself that is, does and in all even refer and to, it can and in all be as said that is, and to talk and of the said even now Master print too that is, and if not of the said Master print in itself too that is, and in the now saying that, the very said issues, matters, problems, situations etc. that is, and that Kenya today that is, and if not of a said East Africa today too that is, do and in all even face that is, can and in all be as said, as said as best perceived too that is, and in talk too now and of, and of a said World today too that is, and as in all said as perceived, and in talk and of the said Reprint in itself too that is, and if not in talk too now and of, and of what is in all said as of Redevelopment in itself too that is, [Link].

of India :- Victorian, British, Portuguese, Hindu